Jeremy Sweatt discusses results of new survey of young fundamentalists

Questions posed to “young fundamentalists” (30 respondents; oldest aged 39). Introduction to that content starts about 8 minutes in.
  • What books have you read recently?
  • Who are your favorite authors and what makes their work appealing to you?
  • If you had the money and freedom to attend any conference you want, where would you go? About half did no respond to the question. “They fellowship in a different way than you and I do. They fellowship every day through…” (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) “The allure of the conference has waned in large part.”
  • If you could sit down with 3 men who have been in ministry for 20 years or more who would they be and what would you ask them? 27 different men. “The number one man named was Dr. Chuck Phelps.”
  • What is a fundamentalist?
  • What troubles you most about fundamentalism as a movement or group (28 minutes in)? Majoring on the minors… judgmental edge… loudness about secondary issues… criticism of men who are Christ centered but have differences in application. Tendency of young fundamentalists to jump from one fad to another. Divide between generations.
  • From your observation of the world today who is best example of a biblical fundamentalist? 16 men listed. Top three: Chuck Phelps, Sam [Unclear: Horn? Harbin? ], Will Galkin
  • How would you describe the ideal pulpit ministry? “Expository preaching.”
  • What does biblical separation mean to you? “From the world… from unrepentant brethren… from disobedient.” No response that indicates “secondary separation.” (Question from the floor regarding what secondary separation is. Sweatt seems to be using an unusual definition.) Discusses why isn’t John MacArthur going to be at T4G 2012? Quotes Phil Johnson on this. Gist: doesn’t like the direction T4G is headed.
  • Under what conditions would you separate?
  • What has surprised you about ministry?


For the record, Phil Johnson once again failed to disavow being wild-eyed.

I’d dig up the old thread, but that would leave no fun for the rest of you.



I understand your concern. But, in this case, it is misplaced. The thread is about a work shop at the FBFI National conference. You are wrong to classify this thread as internet gossip. But I do agree that it’s a small sample, so we should just move on.

Roger Carlson, Pastor Berean Baptist Church

The size of the sample isn’t as concerning as how it was selected. This was among guys who Jeremy knew, or his friends new. I realize this isn’t a scientific sample, and it isn’t being purported as such. But I’m wondering by what standard Jeremy says “I think it’s valid.”

To me, a far more interesting survey would be to survey the children of many baby-boomer fundamentalists. It would be interesting to me to find out that, among those who grew up in fundamentalism, still identify as such, and where they went. That would be a survey worth having.

Jeremy S., thanks for the interesting workshop. Happy 20th with your wife. Over two decades have sped by since our Alpha Theta Pi days at BJU. My 20th is next year with my wife. Maybe, we might go to Hawaii.

Thanks for the time that you spend with younger men. Thanks for your openness to conversation.


Phil J., if there would be a 2011 book that I would like to get in the hands of every young fundamentalist, it would be Uneclipsing the Son by Rick Holland.

Outstanding edification for my heart.


Also, thanks for dropping by and straightening us out a bit.

Well … I guess I’m okay.

… if Phil Johnson is allowed to participate. ;)

formerly known as Coach C

I might have some blame for the “gist” summary of JMac’s reasons for opting out of T4G 2012. That is, I tried to sum up what Jeremy Sweatt appeared to be saying about it. Hopefully I didn’t misconstrue him, but it was kind of early in the morning (relative to when I went to sleep the night before) and I was not more than one large cup of tea into the day yet. I guess I’d recommend checking out the audio and forming your own conclusions.

As for the survey, let’s not be too hard on Jeremy. It’s not like collecting data on young fundies is his main thing. Barna is not his middle name.
I do think the data has some value as a reflection of what 30 some real people think about those issues. It’s likely that each of them represent a number of others who have the same point of view.
I’d like to see a hard copy of the responses. It’s hard to tell what to make of them when you’re listening to a guy try to summarize them for a workshop.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

[Bob T.] SI is becoming a center for internet gossip.

That’s nothing but gossip, Bob!

(Sorry. Thought I saw some irony there.)

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

RPittman - It’s not a problem; my main concern is that the thread stays on topic :). I do appreciate the apology. I should also note that it always takes two - which is why I try to stay out of it as much as possible.

Steve Davis - I think we’d need a valid definition first, but I’ll be happy to check the YF box if you need at least one :)

It’s really hard to discuss the survey since the presentation is all audio…I’m really hoping there’s a hard/soft copy of the notes available for download. While I do think that thirty is a very small sample (esp. if they’re all in the same geographic/demographic area), I think that there is some good stuff to take from it.

"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells

The survey is valid as an experiment, but not as a tool. The results can only be interpreted to represent the opinions of those who took the survey. Add to that the probability that the respondents were not chosen at random but were a convenience sample, and you’ve blown any really useful conclusions.

Don’t kid yourself, John MacArthur knows John MacArthur’s mind and while he might use some kid gloves with Dan P he does not use them for himself. He is a gracious man and even in his great grace he understands the troublesome trend of T4G. Interesting JM makes scant use of Piper in recent years while Phillips keeps sucking at the Piper vine without discretion. Yeah..just sayin’ what a gracious Shepherd of Shepherds MacArthur is.