"An eruption in one of the fault lines sets of... a great deal of disagreement within the larger Southern Baptist fellowship."

Will SBC ‘fault lines’ lead to division or unity? “Using the term ‘fault lines,’ Lemke wrote that the SBC landscape includes such points of contention as greater Baptist identity vs. lesser Baptist identity; smaller churches vs. larger churches; anti-Great Commission Resurgence (GCR) vs. pro-GCR; majority Baptist theology vs. Reformed theology; association and convention advocates vs. association and convention detractors; and those who place a higher value on the Cooperative Program (CP) vs. those who place a lower value on the CP.”


These articles always leave me asking the same old question: How much should a Church compromise for the “Greater Good”?

“Lemke suggested the need for a meeting somewhat like the Jerusalem Council of Acts 15. Two factions -– Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians -– with two opposing visions for church practice came together to discuss their differences. In the end, James called on the Jewish Christians to allow the Gentiles to have more freedom in their church experience. James asked the Gentile Christians to avoid a number of social practices and adhere to a set of theological and ethical non-negotiables. The result was greater unity among the believers.”

Bad hermeneutics. Bad hermeneutics.
Bad, bad, bad interpretation.
Worse, worse, worse application.

And we get so mad when the emergents and the theological liberals do it why, precisely?

Solo Christo, Soli Deo Gloria, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura http://healtheland.wordpress.com

Job did you notice that opening statement?
Steve Lemke, provost at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
He’s responsible for training pastors…ugh…