Are bicycle shorts modest?
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Poll Results
Are bicycle shorts modest?
Yes Votes: 5
No for women; Yes for men. Votes: 0
Yes for women; No for men. Votes: 1
No Votes: 6
It depends … Votes: 2
what are bicycle shorts? I don’t have a bike, i don’t have the shorts … are they those stretchy things that professional bikers wear? like scuba divers?
What are bicycle shorts?
it’s about safety and comfort too. if you fall off, you can slide down the road a bit without grating a hole in your butt. (non-cyclers might laugh, but i’m serious) the wicking properties of the material only work up against your skin, and proper clothes prevent you from rubbing the insides of your legs raw.
modest? it depends on what you’re doing in them and at what sort of event. exercising, training or competing? wear the shorts. and you’ll want a jersey too.
modest? it depends on what you’re doing in them and at what sort of event. exercising, training or competing? wear the shorts. and you’ll want a jersey too.
When I think of bike shorts - I think of those extremely tight shorts .. which show every bump and ripple .. I can’t find them modest in any sense of the word. Even if the description of modesty is one of “not drawing attention to yourself” .. I understand the benefits of them .. But I find them too tight to be defined as “modest” as they leave NOTHING to the imagination..
Ditto PLewis. My motto is that if I can’t do some activity modestly, then I don’t do it at all. Riding a bike in skin tight shorts isn’t a necessary activity. And I’ve ridden bikes all my life without feeling the need to wear something of that nature.
Quite frankly, bike shorts look completely ridiculous even when they are painted onto a nice looking body. I just don’t want to see that much of anyone.
Quite frankly, bike shorts look completely ridiculous even when they are painted onto a nice looking body. I just don’t want to see that much of anyone.
Laugh .. I was thinking the same thing Susan .. I don’t get ‘em .. We have a number of “bikers” in our area (both kinds).. as we live in a very scenic area - and I’ll tell ya’ I’d rather look at the “weekend warriors” in their “leathers” any day of the week .. laugh ..
By bicycle shorts, I mean the spandex shorts that people who bicycle a lot wear.
[Susan R] I’ve ridden bikes all my life without feeling the need to wear something of that ridden, do you mean just a leisurely ride? i’m talking about longer rides starting around 50 miles on flat road or 30 off-road in the mountains.
My question would be: Why are you asking??? For what purpose?
If you think they are immodest, don’t wear them.
If you wear them for a reason (actually riding a bike, under dresses for little girls, etc.), then wear them.
If you wear them as a fashion-statement (as if you are living in 1987), you won’t care if someone else thinks they are immodest.
If you think they are immodest, don’t wear them.
If you wear them for a reason (actually riding a bike, under dresses for little girls, etc.), then wear them.
If you wear them as a fashion-statement (as if you are living in 1987), you won’t care if someone else thinks they are immodest.
[Rachel L.] If you think they are immodest, don’t wear them.Yup!
Is body paint modest?
[ChrisC]Yes, I’m talking about long bike rides in the mountains. I grew up in WV, so ain’t no such thing as 50 miles on a flat road.[Susan R] I’ve ridden bikes all my life without feeling the need to wear something of that ridden, do you mean just a leisurely ride? i’m talking about longer rides starting around 50 miles on flat road or 30 off-road in the mountains.
If you are talking about competitive biking, then I still say that if I can’t do it modestly, I won’t do it at all. That also explains why I am not involved in synchronized swimming or sumo wrestling.
susan, are you saying i should give up sumo wrestling???!!!
[ChrisC]So? Reread Susan’s statement. If it violates biblical truth, it doesn’t need to be done.[Susan R] I’ve ridden bikes all my life without feeling the need to wear something of that ridden, do you mean just a leisurely ride? i’m talking about longer rides starting around 50 miles on flat road or 30 off-road in the mountains.
Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?
Yes, I would rescue a child from a burning building even if I had to be immodest to do it. I would probably even rescue Jim, but I’d have to pray about it first.]
It does seem like an out-of-the-blue poll question, so I’ll explain.
My alma mater had a fundraiser for its annual Bible Conference, and it included an event where participants wore bicycle shorts. [url]
I was just wondering if, in broader Fundamentalism, bicycle shorts were now acceptable.
It does seem like an out-of-the-blue poll question, so I’ll explain.
My alma mater had a fundraiser for its annual Bible Conference, and it included an event where participants wore bicycle shorts. [url]
I was just wondering if, in broader Fundamentalism, bicycle shorts were now acceptable.
In this context bike shorts are “equipment” every bit as much as the bike helmets are.
Someone objecting to them in this context seems as looney to me as expecting women to wear skirts to go skiing. In general I think modesty is strictly a self-governing issue and should not be a group sport.
Someone objecting to them in this context seems as looney to me as expecting women to wear skirts to go skiing. In general I think modesty is strictly a self-governing issue and should not be a group sport.
I don’t think any activity is self-governing- all things should be guided by Biblical principle.
Biblical, yes. But Biblical principles should be applied by the individual on a self-governed basis.
[Rachel L.] In this context bike shorts are “equipment” every bit as much as the bike helmets are.So I guess you would declare a bikini acceptable within the context of a swimming pool? Just swimming “equipment”, right?
Someone objecting to them in this context seems as looney to me as expecting women to wear skirts to go skiing. In general I think modesty is strictly a self-governing issue and should not be a group sport.
Modesty is not determined by context. What is immodest, is immodest. What is modest, is modest. Within the modest sphere, of course, there are many varieties of dress that may be more or less appropriate to a certain time or place. But context only influences appropriateness, not modesty.
Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?
While I would not wear bike shorts, I do think there is something to appropriateness. Let me give an example. Some on here are friends with me on Facebook. My current profile picture is of me wearing my turnout gear (fire dept garb). I have been asked why I would allow my name to be on my backside. See, there is a panel on the bottom of my coat that has my last name. It is a safety issue. That is the only place my name can be clearly visible when I wear an airpack. So am I immodest for wearing my name where it is? No, but you can think so if you want (others have). I have never had a thought of someone wearing bike shorts while on a bike. Sitting at their dinning room table is another story. Modesty is an important Biblical prinicple. But I think for years we have sometimes misapplied - it definately was in the case of me and my fire gear.
Roger Carlson, PastorBerean Baptist Church
I think there is a difference between having one’s name visible on the hem of a bulky jacket and being able to see every angle, curve, nook and cranny of someone’s posterior.
[Chip Van Emmerik]I disagree. :shrug[Rachel L.] In this context bike shorts are “equipment” every bit as much as the bike helmets are.So I guess you would declare a bikini acceptable within the context of a swimming pool? Just swimming “equipment”, right?
Someone objecting to them in this context seems as looney to me as expecting women to wear skirts to go skiing. In general I think modesty is strictly a self-governing issue and should not be a group sport.
Modesty is not determined by context. What is immodest, is immodest. What is modest, is modest. Within the modest sphere, of course, there are many varieties of dress that may be more or less appropriate to a certain time or place. But context only influences appropriateness, not modesty.
If you were to undertake a 50 mile bike ride you would wear what?
You are right. But there were several people in our movement who at least questioned my modesty for the picture you see everytime you see me at FB.
You are right. But there were several people in our movement who at least questioned my modesty for the picture you see everytime you see me at FB.
Roger Carlson, PastorBerean Baptist Church
[Chip Van Emmerik] So? Reread Susan’s statement. If it violates biblical truth, it doesn’t need to be done.i guess that would be up for interpretation. i’m not remembering anything specifically in the bible about modesty in regards to revealing clothing. there is some about shame in nakedness, and there is some about women not dressing overly elaborately while forgetting good deeds that doesn’t really apply except for some misleading translations. there are some weak counter examples like peter not being criticized for not wearing enough clothes while fishing.
[Jim Peet] If you were to undertake a 50 mile bike ride you would wear what?Probably an IV since I am seriously out of shape :D
The point Susan made earlier stands. If it requires immodesty, don’t do it. There is no place in Scripture where I am required to ride 50 miles on a bike. Scripture does require modesty.
Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?
A couple thought - I see some of the point of the “equipment” … I also know that some of them are not THAT tight .. but unfortunately some are ..
I wouldn’t call them “modest” .. but I still think they’re gross .. whether on a bike or not … (kinda like seeing a guy in a speedo .. :Sp
As to wearing a skirt to ski .. now THAT is immodest plain and simple in my book … (for that matter wearing a skirt at a stadium can be doggone immodest too unless it’s full and long ..
I think it all goes back to HOW things are worn sometimes … even the most “modestly” dressed woman can have the most IMMODEST air about her …
NOW I’m gonna make some people mad … but I kind of have a problem with guys who “ride bikes” … it’s probably from my limited experience - but most guys I know who ride have a weird kind of arrogance about them .. (ok - I’m REALLY generalizing) … but it seems to go with an over caring for their body .. kind of like a lot of body builders I know .. I just don’t get it … it’s as though they’re out of balance … putting WAY too much emphasis on the physical .. (now I’ll duck .. and jump outta the way of the bikes ..)
I wouldn’t call them “modest” .. but I still think they’re gross .. whether on a bike or not … (kinda like seeing a guy in a speedo .. :Sp
As to wearing a skirt to ski .. now THAT is immodest plain and simple in my book … (for that matter wearing a skirt at a stadium can be doggone immodest too unless it’s full and long ..
I think it all goes back to HOW things are worn sometimes … even the most “modestly” dressed woman can have the most IMMODEST air about her …
NOW I’m gonna make some people mad … but I kind of have a problem with guys who “ride bikes” … it’s probably from my limited experience - but most guys I know who ride have a weird kind of arrogance about them .. (ok - I’m REALLY generalizing) … but it seems to go with an over caring for their body .. kind of like a lot of body builders I know .. I just don’t get it … it’s as though they’re out of balance … putting WAY too much emphasis on the physical .. (now I’ll duck .. and jump outta the way of the bikes ..)
[PLewis] NOW I’m gonna make some people mad … but I kind of have a problem with guys who “ride bikes” … it’s probably from my limited experience - but most guys I know who ride have a weird kind of arrogance about them .. (ok - I’m REALLY generalizing) … but it seems to go with an over caring for their body .. kind of like a lot of body builders I know .. I just don’t get it … it’s as though they’re out of balance … putting WAY too much emphasis on the physical .. (now I’ll duck .. and jump outta the way of the bikes ..)My son rides his bike from his apartment to the U of Minnesota every day
They call it “transportation”
I’m not talkin’ about transportation .. I guess I’m talking about the ones who go out for “excercise” .. I suppose it’s any type of person who puts their body above all else. We just run across a LOT of them here in the Hill Country .. hard to explain .. Like I said .. it could be anyone who puts their “fitness” ABOVE everything..
[PLewis] NOW I’m gonna make some people mad … but I kind of have a problem with guys who “ride bikes” … it’s probably from my limited experience - but most guys I know who ride have a weird kind of arrogance about them .. (ok - I’m REALLY generalizing) … but it seems to go with an over caring for their body .. kind of like a lot of body builders I know .. I just don’t get it … it’s as though they’re out of balance … putting WAY too much emphasis on the physical .. (now I’ll duck .. and jump outta the way of the bikes ..)Since I ride my bike a quite a bit, I had to reassure myself that this comment wasn’t intended as a personal affront. But I really did have to talk to myself a great deal!! Weather permitting, I ride my bike to the church every day, and not merely for transportation. I do it for the exercise. My wife & I also ride rail-trails, both for the pleasure of it & for the exercise. I’m sorry, PLewis, that you’re exposure to bicyclists is so very limited. We’ve ridden rail-trails in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, South Carolina, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, New York, California, & Alaska. We’ve met literally thousands of fellow bikers, but only a very, very small handful of the ilk you describe. Oh, and I’m guessing that fewer than half of those we’ve come across wear spandex-type bike shorts. My wife & I have & wear riding shorts—they’re almost a necessity when you’re doing a 25-30 mile outing (good padding in all the right places!). Ours are shorts, but not the “second layer of skin” sort, by the way.
Given recent statistics, I don’t think we “fundies” need to worry about an over-emphasis on taking care of the body through physical exercise. Consider these links:… Baptists are the Fattest…] Obese Fundamentalists
I’m convinced we need to preach/teach a more holistic (if I dare use such a word!) approach to stewardship—a whole-life stewardship, if you will, that deals with our time, talents, treasure (the big 3), AND the TEMPLE (almost totally neglected). So…get on your bikes—in shorts, for all I care!— or get to the YMCA or the walking track or the pool. Whatever. We’ll spend tons of money to keep our church facilities looking nice (as we should), but too many of us largely neglect the dwelling place of the Lord (1 Cor. 6:19-20). I can’t help but wonder if there isn’t some latent dualism in our thinking—you know, putting any kind of emphasis on the body (the physical) is a sinful waste of time, money, and energy; we should be focusing on the spiritual. Well, time to get over that gnostic heresy.
Bryan and I also have a pastor friend that biked 150 miles round trip to his dentist appointment. He does it because it is fun!? :)
Roger Carlson, PastorBerean Baptist Church