Doctrine, Glory of God.

I’m trying to put something together, and I’d appreciate verses.

To give you an idea, one of my chief verses will likely be ‘Whether therefore you eat or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God.’

As an example, if I asked about adultery you may give me verses stating adultery is sinful, what adultery is, what it leads to, what leads to it, or you might tell me that marriage is a picture of christ and the church.



Why was this topic moved, or more importantly..

where was it moved to?

In theology section, it just says, this topic was moved to “” with nothing in the quotation marks.

Some updating was done to the site over the weekend- something probably went zig instead of zag- I can’t find any reason why the topic is showing up as moved, so we’ll have to ask a techie-type to fix it.