And the Winner Is . . .

The long awaited 2010 Writing Contest restuls are in. There were numerous strong entries this year and we wish we could give awards for many more of them. Many thanks to all of you who contributed articles!

Per the announcement earlier this year, we narrowed the winners to three. Two of the three have already been published. The third is scheduled to post tomorrow.

Each winner will receive $125. If you have suggestions for next year’s contest, we’d be happy to hear them.

The winning articles

Why Christians Sin by Robert Byers

Toward a Theology of Facebook by Hannah Anderson

Let the Minutiae Speak by Bob Hayton (posts tomorrow).


Wow! I won. I’m very excited. Congrats to the other winners too! I particularly enjoyed Hannah’s post on a theology of Facebook. Very well done.

Striving for the unity of the faith, for the glory of God ~ Eph. 4:3, 13; Rom. 15:5-7 I blog at Fundamentally Reformed(link is external). Follow me on Twitter(link is external).


I know I’ve already congratulated you on FB, but I also wanted to come out of hiding/lurking and congratulate you here, as well. I’m looking forward to reading it, tomorrow. Blessings! Kim Noble