Doran: "Pathetic and disingenous ... to score their own points"

On the “Really Odds” I am pretty sure that the folks who are “rejoicing” that the merger didn’t go through because of feigned concern that one of the institutions might weaken the other one’s separatist stand never gave a rip about that institution prior to this. I write this quite confidently because it is evident that they know nothing about that institution beyond a few quotes they’ve plucked from publications. The occasion of the potential merger simply served as an opportunity to take shots at one man under the banner of defending a fundamentalist institution.


[Kevin Bauder] A rift between Central Seminary and Faith Baptist Bible College exists only in the minds of gossip-mongers and prevaricators … Such individuals are the pus, phlegm, and bile in the body of Fundamentalism. May God stop their mouths, along with unfounded speculations and unsupported assertions that they proliferate.

Reminds me of an ancient Arabic ‘curse’- “May the fleas of a thousand camels nest in their armpits”. Even if there was a rift, it’s an indication of low character when the reaction of some is to rub their hands together so zealously they could almost start a fire- but then again, they could put it out with the drool oozing all over their keyboards.

Look who’s calling the kettle black!

Doran states,
“I am pretty sure that the folks who are ‘rejoicing’ that the merger didn’t go through because of feigned concern that one of the institutions might weaken the other one’s separatist stand never gave a rip about that institution prior to this. I write this quite confidently because it is evident that they know nothing about that institution beyond a few quotes they’ve plucked from publications. The occasion of the potential merger simply served as an opportunity to take shots at one man under the banner of defending a fundamentalist institution. IOW, they were using the merger to score their own points. Pathetic and disingenous.”

What does Doran know of the relationship between Faith and these unnamed men? Absolutely NOTHING!!! He has gone off half-cocked with these statements and in my estimation shot himself in the foot. And he has the audacity to say they are pathetic and disingenous! Making these kinds of comments behind the ivory tower of his non-interacting blog. That’s pathetic and disingenous!

Brian, if we don’t know who these unnamed men are, how do you know that Doran knows “Absolutely NOTHING!!!” about their relationship to Faith?
Pots, kettles… looks like we’re getting a whole kitchen going here. :D

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

[RPittman] However, it appears to me from your above statements that you have done the same to the ” folks who are ‘rejoicing’ that the merger didn’t go through.” What do you say?

Why would anyone ‘rejoice’ that the merger didn’t go through? Especially when you read some of the ridiculous speculations about the ‘real’ reasons it didn’t happen. I’ve read some blog posts that sound like someone is channeling Dan Rather. I can’t imagine any motivation other than a desire to devour and destroy. Let’s call the ravenous beasts what they are- wolves.

Aaron, you make my point.
Brian, if we don’t know who these unnamed men are, how do you know that Doran knows “Absolutely NOTHING!!!” about their relationship to Faith?
Pots, kettles… looks like we’re getting a whole kitchen going here.”

You are right Aaron, I don’t. That is my whole point in this posting. By bringing in Doran’s musings you have allowed someone to vent unfettered on unnamed people who cannot possibly defend themselves (since we don’t know who Doran is referring to). And when someone then vents back on Doran (referring to myself), my post is initially removed (the moderator’s reason at the time to me was “Not now … too tired …. bed time …” the time: approx. 10:21 pm eastern time) but then put back in after review (thank you BTW). Since there is an abundance of ambiguity with all the incendiary words, I must wonder why SI would have posted Doran’s article in the first place?

* Inter-City Baptist Church was at one time in the GARBC.
* Faith and DBTS have had some interaction, including Doran recently (last 5-6 years) speaking on the Faith campus and Rolland McCune doing a lecture series. Alan Cole , who teaches Bible and Theology at Faith, is a DBTS grad and taught at the high school at Inter-City.
* The faculties of DBTS and Faith (as well as Central) regularly interact at the Bible Faculty Leadership Summits.

And, FWIW, ICBC once supported as a missionary one of “folks” Doran criticizes in the linked post.

Greg Linscott
Marshall, MN