Camp Bus from Tri-City Ministries Overturns, Nine Injured

Details in the Kansas City Star


From Pastor Herbster
Our Tri-City bus had an accident on the way back from Amazing Grace camp in Ottawa, Kansas. Nine children were taken to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City with injuries. Two will be admitted. One has a broken hip and one has a compression fracture in the back. Both are stable and should fully recover. The cause of the accident may be mechanical, but is still under investigation. All the other children are back with their families. Please pray for these children, their families, and our bus workers who were with them on the trip. They all need to be encouraged and lifted up (Galatians 6:2).

Greg Linscott
Marshall, MN

Just tonight my two children arrived home safe and sound on a bus from a week of camp. We were thankful for their safe return. Now we are really praising the LORD for the safety that comes from Him. We will be in prayer for the families involved and for the ministry there—also for the leadership. This is one of every pastor’s greatest fears.

Pastor Dave (also from a Tri-City Baptist, in Chandler, AZ)