The term "missions" itself now carries with it a negative connotation, even in politically and theologically conservative circles

How Missionaries Lost Their Chariots of Fire A 2006 study by Calvin College’s Kurt Ver Beek found “little or no difference” in the spiritual response between two groups of Hondurans—one which had its homes rebuilt by missionaries who did not proselytize and the other by local NGOs. Intuition would suggest as much. Unless foreigners explain that they are motivated to help by their religious beliefs, locals may be grateful for the new home but they should not be expected to connect dots that they may not even know exist.


Spreading Christianity through deeds alone aligns with a quote attributed to St. Francis of Assisi: “Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words.” But research suggests that non-Christians often miss the message without the words.
Another good observation in this WSJ. article…… Very sad that several of my urban ministry colleagues within evangelicalism (especially among the 20 somethings) haven’t figured this out yet……..