Finger pointing

I stated in another post that [URL=] the Concord Police dropped the ball back in 1997[/URL]

As I understand the facts:
  • Trinity filed a police report in the first 24 hours of hearing the news
  • The rape victim was not immediately whisked away but was in or around the immediate area for a period of time ([URL=] based on this statement[/URl]: “I remember having her over to my house in the weeks after the news broke and before she left town.”)
Keep in mind that a police department has tremendous resources in their investigative arsenal:
  • Trained full time investigators
  • The law
  • Subpoena authority: the “authority to compel testimony by a witness or production of evidence under a penalty for failure”
What did the Concord police do and not do after the rape charge was filed? I sense that the cover up is there!

–— Other –- Just so every knows where I’m at with this –—
  • It was a rape …. not “consensual”. When a man in his 30’s has sex with a minor there is one word for it … RAPE
  • The young woman is the victim! A “confession” or a letter of apology was uncalled for
One document that would really clarify the facts: The Police Report

That document has dates and times and names (they could black out the name of the victim!).

The Concord police department could make this available (why haven’t they?) or the [URL= Concord Monitor[/URL] could request it and publish it (why haven’t they?)

That the police have not produced it tells me that their blaming Trinity Church is covering up their own bungling of the case. And that the Concord Monitor has not researched it tells me that their reporters are not seeking the truth!

Local comments from Concord Monitor reporting

[URL=…] A question or two[/URL]:
Sgt. John Thomas in the WMUR article said “There was no cooperation by the family or the church back then,” Well I ask if the police say the church or family obstructed justice then why did the police drop the ball and not charge Phelps, any other church members at the time of the obstruction? Why did they not go see the mother, who I heard stayed in NH? Was the mother not telling the police where she was as well? To me the police were as happy as everyone else that the problem went away. Otherwise they could have brought charges on the pastor or mother for their part in obstructing justice.

On CBS Early Show: Rape victim alleges former church officials are still blaming her … tried to “brainwash” her to make believe it really was her fault.
Woman: Church Covered Up My Rape as Teen

We’re closing discussion on this one. A [URL=] thread already exists [/URL] on this matter and if there’s anything to discuss that would be the better place to do it.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.