"Now our church is hosting a bunch of things we never considered a week ago..."
Someone suggested it might be fun to have a headline contest for this story…. but my muse isn’t giving me anything on that one.
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
Al they are doing is renting out their facility. The reverse of a Baptist church renting a 7th Day Adventist church, a day care center, etc for Sunday worship.
Could be a good way to build “good will” in the community. The Nashville floods were devastating.
Could be a good way to build “good will” in the community. The Nashville floods were devastating.
Here I was thinking that I’m the only ‘proto-liberal’ who really didn’t have a problem with this! Thanks, Jim!
"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin is...no longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells