Israel vows complete siege of Gaza as it strikes the Palestinian territory after incursion by Hamas

“Israel vowed to lay total siege to the Gaza Strip on Monday, as its military searched for militants, guarded breaches in its border fence and pounded the Hamas-ruled territory” - BPNews


  • American Christians Should Stand with Israel under Attack - CToday
  • The Hamas attack on Israel is pure evil - RNS
  • The road to Gaza runs through Tehran - WORLD
  • “This is our 9/11”: Why did Hamas attack Israel? What comes next? - Denison


I found it interesting that after Hamas publicly claimed that they were aided by Iran, that our secretary of state said that there is no evidence that Iran had anything to do with this. (note to those who like to change the use of our language: evidence and proof are two separate words with different meanings). I hope such statements will start to open people's eyes about what it means when this administration or the media says that there is "no evidence" of something.

Not saying I believe our Dept of State, but Hamas has a history of making all sorts of claims. So, it’s neither a lie or inaccurate to say “the only evidence we have is the claim of a bunch lying terrorists.” … which is not what DoS said but in diplomacy you nuance like crazy. It might be what they meant.

This kind of distinction isn’t unique to diplomacy, either. In law, a man is not guilty of a crime just because he said so. There is a search for corroborating evidence. And if a guy is caught in the act with a sudden abundance of weapons and crew he never had before and he says the M13 equipped him, law doesn’t automatically take his word for it…. though every human listening might personally believe him!

All of that said, I can’t think of any good reason for DoS to refrain from publicly blaming it on Iran, given how probable that is—no reason other than the connection to recent cashflow to Iran from the Biden administration. So, politics.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.