Holy Land theme park demolished after TBN spent $130M on project
“AdventHealth submitted plans to build a hospital on the site. Demolition is currently underway.” - CPost
This brings back so many memories. Not that I ever attended the park. But everytime we went to Disney (which was almost every weekend for years) we would drive by this place. We would always joke that we just got there in time for the 3:00 Last Supper Show, just before the 4:00 Crucifixion. My wife was at the outlets one time and the kids and I hung out in the parking lot to see what kind of people showed up. It was mostly commercial tour buses loaded up with retirees. Never saw what was inside.
Olivet discourse fulfilled
We'll see if the Ark Encounter has a better longevity. There was a lot of speculation when it was being built that it too would fold after several years.
It was so fake. The worst was the spot light in the Tabernacle re-creation that represented the Shekinah glory of God. At one point they had a scriptorium, that might have been more interesting to see, but it wasn't there when we went.
Heritage USA and now Holy Land Experience, hopefully, no one else comes up with the idea to build a Bible theme park.