Sixteen cars, 15 flat-screen televisions, furniture sets and other prizes are lined up at Bay Area Fellowship Church and ready to be claimed by anyone who attends the church's Easter services on Sunday.

This is the pragmatic spirit that Rick Warren has spread, though it certainly didn’t originate with him. Do any of these guys believe that a sovereign God can save that one boy or woman without the gimmicks?

32 Cars and 32 Flat-Screens

Bigger and Better

So, those in the church who donate a car or the money for a car…is that tax-deductible??

Serving the Savior, Pastor Wes Helfenbein 2 Cor. 5:17

[Jonathan Charles] This is the pragmatic spirit that Rick Warren has spread, though it certainly didn’t originate with him. Do any of these guys believe that a sovereign God can save that one boy or woman without the gimmicks?
Yes, and maybe that sovereign God has directed this means to reach that one boy or woman without asking for our approval first. How dare He do that! God can only be sovereign on our terms, right?

Besides I am going to be there to get my big screen TV! Better be a Plasma! Won’t accept an LCD. 8-)

Are you saying this tactic honors God?

Roger Carlson, Pastor Berean Baptist Church

Winning souls to Christ honors God. I am sure that most can agree to that.

What kinds of enticing methods to get people under the hearing of the gospel do not honor God ? That is a question that would need to be answered from scripture with relevant and clear application. The broader context of the content of the gospel given and emphasis of the church may become relevant. A car here, a big screen there, a free meal at the rescue mission, A bag of Rice in Bangladesh. What is improper enticing. All, or surviving needs verses luxury items. Or perhaps appealing to greed verses not appealing to greed. Or perhaps changing doctrine or belief to not be persecuted or stoned. The reformers and others coerced to faith and doctrine with the threat of punishment. Was this worse than the offer of a car just to be present and listen?

In light of real Christian history, this may not be as bad in God’s eyes as we may like it to be. For example, I think advocating the KJVO position may have worse disapproval from God.

So, how did Jonathan Charles get Rick Warren tangled up in this? Hyles was consistently like this. It’s a travesty, of course, but I wish we’d keep our heads when others are losing theirs. I’m even wondering why this article was posted unless it’s a golden opportunity for us us to take our (cheap) shots.

gdwightlarson "You can be my brother without being my twin."

In response to
[gdwightlarson] I’m even wondering why this article was posted unless it’s a golden opportunity for us us to take our (cheap) shots.
The purpose of Filings
SharperIron Filings are links to bits of news around the world and the “blogosphere.” The items linked to are not published by SI and do not necessarily express the opinions of anyone at SharperIron. They’re chosen because we believe they may be of interest to SI readers.

gdwightlarson….you do realize that this is a discussion forum?? Hence, the reason for the post was most likely to produce discussion. Just b/c someone voices an opinion that says he believes that this event in TX was the practicle outworking of a philosophy populaized by Warren and the seeker-sensative crowd, doesn’t mean that he is taking a “cheap shot”. He is taking no more of a “cheap shot” than you did in your comment about Hyles. I believe that these gimmicks demean the church as an institution, and they demean the testimony of Jesus Christ—I don’t care if they come from Warren or Hyles.

As for Bob T.’s comments—they are thoughts that we should consider. A main tool used by many homeless shelters is a free meal and a place to spend the night. Is this the same as offering free TV give-aways? I don’t believe so; however, I believe that one must be careful not to be simply presenting a “social gospel”. Think of all the “games” that are used in summer VBS to boost attendance? I often encourage our kids to invite friends for the week, promising a pie in the face, or the opportunity to throw water balloons at me, if a particular attendance goal is met. However, if the goal is not met they are not made to feel badly. Is it wrong for me to use attandance goals in VBS? What makes that right and a SS campaign wrong? Just throwing in my own two cents worth.

As gdwightlarson’s tag line says….”you can be my brother, without being my twin”.

Serving the Savior, Pastor Wes Helfenbein 2 Cor. 5:17