God's Word/attribute of timeliness
Wiping out heathen nations in OT times, God may have seemed not to have the attribute of love. Was God’s attribute of love then or ever denied by Scripture? Are any of God’s attributes ever denied by an accurate Bible?
When God told Adam not to eat the fruit of a certain tree, was the message described with timely words? Did God give Moses the 10 commandments on tablets of timely words? Was Jesus a Shakespeare of his day proclaiming “Go ye therefore …” or were his words timely? Does God always have the attribute of timeliness?
If we are good stewards, how often is our iron sharp if we declare a Bible to be God’s Word if it denies God’s attribute of timeliness?
I am interested in you expanding your thoughts here. That is to say, can you or will you answer the questions you asked yourself? Before responding it would help me, at least, to read a larger frame of your mindset on the matter.
[Alex Guggenheim] Mark,1-Was God’s attribute of love then or ever denied by Scripture? Not that I expect nor know of is God’s attribute of love ever denied by Scripture.
can you or will you answer the questions you asked yourself?
2-Are any of God’s attributes ever denied by an accurate Bible? Not that I expect nor know of are any of God’s attribute ever denied by an accurate Bible.
3-… Does God always have the attribute of timeliness? I expect that God always does have the attribute of timeliness and that is impossible to show otherwise.
4-If we are good stewards, how often is our iron sharp if we declare a Bible to be God’s Word if it denies God’s attribute of timeliness? To the God whom always has the attribute of timeliness, I propose that iron is never sharp if it denies God’s attribute of timeliness, love, or when any of God’s attributes are denied.
From death he did rise and will come again.Move on with him now to be ready for then.Markhttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=78598293746
[Larry] Perhaps you could be a little more clear about what you are talking about here.Hear, Hear!!!
I have never before heard that one of God’s attributes was timeliness. Is there a Scripture on that???
Pastor Steve SchwenkeLiberty Baptist ChurchAmarillo, TX
[Stephen Schwenke]Does Scripture say that God told Adam not to eat from a certain tree with timely words? Does Scripture say that God gave the 10 commandments with timely words? Does Scripture say that Jesus used timely words when he gave the great commission? Neither does Scripture say that God used untimely words in those situations.[Larry] Perhaps you could be a little more clear about what you are talking about here.Hear, Hear!!!
I have never before heard that one of God’s attributes was timeliness. Is there a Scripture on that???
If we are good stewards, how often is our iron sharp if we declare a Bible to be God’s Word if it denies God’s attribute of timeliness?
From death he did rise and will come again.Move on with him now to be ready for then.Markhttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=78598293746
It is still not clear what you are asking.
[Larry] What do you mean by “timely”? What is an attribute of timeliness?Perhaps wanting to sound spiritual, Jesus may have been the untimely Shakespeare of his day commanding “Go ye therefore …” God gives us the wisdom to speak and post, with timely words, words common to today. Although incorrect, the witness of Jesus behaving untimely, not having the attibute of timeliness, is what seems to be clear.
It is still not clear what you are asking.
While most may have “have never heard this before”, God always having an attribute of timeliness, it is impossible to provide Scripture of God being untimely, choosing to use words for those that have died centuries ago before sounding timely for today’s lost.
Shall are iron be sharp or shalt it ‘s words soundeth silly for talking to our friends?
From death he did rise and will come again.Move on with him now to be ready for then.Markhttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=78598293746
But it is hard to evaluate your point without knowing what it is.
[Larry] Again, I have to ask, what do you mean by “timely”?Your question is asked with timely words. We live in the 21st century and you used words common to the 21st century.
You could have been untimely and asked “What doth thou meaneth by being timely?”
The timely words spoken to Abraham would have been untimely if spoken to the disciples. Similarly, words which are timely today would also be untimely for the disciples.
From death he did rise and will come again.Move on with him now to be ready for then.Markhttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=78598293746
[Larry] So you mean that he speaks in the common language of the day. That’s not really an attribute of God.For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son … Love is not really an attribute of God then, I guess.
God so loves the world that told Adam not to eat of the fruit of a certain tree in the common language of the day.
God so loves the world that told Noah to build an ark in the common language of the day.
God so loves the world that Jesus gave the great commission in the common language of the day.
From death he did rise and will come again.Move on with him now to be ready for then.Markhttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=78598293746
I would be interested to hear the definition of your use of the word “timely” and “timeliness”. You gave an example, but not a definition.
[LCarpenter] Mark:Surfing the ‘net, timely/dictionary, I find “occurring at a suitable time; seasonable; opportune; well-timed: a timely warning.” I expect timeliness to just be that which is timely.
I would be interested to hear the definition of your use of the word “timely” and “timeliness”. You gave an example, but not a definition.
17th century words were timely for the 17th century. If you’re a salesman, how timely would your clients find you if your words were of the 17th century? Would the words be occurring at a suitable time; seasonable; opportune; well-timed? What if you’re a secretary. You boss asks you to send a memo to the staff. How long will you have a job if the words that you send are not the timely 21st century words which he/she used, but words from the 17th century?
From death he did rise and will come again.Move on with him now to be ready for then.Markhttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=78598293746
[Larry] I think you may be misunderstanding what an attribute is. An attribute is an inherent characteristic without which God wouldn’t be God. If God ceased to be love, he wouldn’t be God. If he ceased to be speak intelligibly to people in a given point of time (which he has), he would still be God.Did Jesus go around speaking like the dead from centuries ago and want us to follow his example, or wouldn’t this be Jesus nor how his stewards should keep their iron sharp?
From death he did rise and will come again.Move on with him now to be ready for then.Markhttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=78598293746
Did Jesus go around speaking like the dead from centuries ago and want us to follow his example, or wouldn’t this be Jesus nor how his stewards should keep their iron sharp?No, but who’s arguing that? My point is that what you are describing is not an attribute. I think your point, so far as I understand it, is correct. Calling it an “attribute” is not.
From death he did rise and will come again.Move on with him now to be ready for then.Markhttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=78598293746
What makes something an attribute of God?The attributes of God are those distinguishing characteristics of the divine nature which are inseparable from the idea of God and which constitute the basis and ground for his various manifestations to his creatures.
(Augustus Hopkins Strong, Systematic Theology, 244.)
To the divine essence, which in itself is infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, belong certain perfections revealed to us in the constitution of our nature and in the word of God. These divine perfections are called attributes as essential to the nature of a divine Being, and necessarily involved in our idea of God.
(Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology, 1:368.)
Essentially an attribute is characteristic without which God would cease to be God. We might ask “If God wasn’t X, would he still be God?” If the answer is, “No,” then it is an attribute (if we have answered it properly). For instance, love is an attribute. God would not be God without love. Anger is not an attribute. God would still be God without anger.
[Larry] Essentially an attribute is characteristic without which God would cease to be God… For instance, love is an attribute. God would not be God without love. Anger is not an attribute. God would still be God without anger.Is God ever God without being, more interested in the living than for those that have died years ago, timely? When and how is God ever untimely that timeliness is disqualified from being an attribute of God?
From death he did rise and will come again.Move on with him now to be ready for then.Markhttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=78598293746
“Timeliness” makes me think of God always being on time. Well, I guess God always does do things at just the right time…
Greg Long, Ed.D. (SBTS)
Pastor of Adult Ministries
Grace Church, Des Moines, IA
Adjunct Instructor
School of Divinity
Liberty University
[Greg Long] “Timeliness” makes me think of God always being on time. Well, I guess God always does do things at just the right time…Sounds good.
Presenting good news in the 21st century, untimely words of the 18th century would deny the attribute of timeliness. God’s even wiser than we are!
From death he did rise and will come again.Move on with him now to be ready for then.Markhttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=78598293746
[Daniel] Mark, why would God speaking 18th century English make Him any less God?If it were the 18th century, it would be the truth that God’s words were timely for the 18th century. We wouldn’t speak 18th century today. It is a lie that today God would, and wants a church to be so foolish.
From death he did rise and will come again.Move on with him now to be ready for then.Markhttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=78598293746
After the fall of man, he was not required to communicate with man at all. He could have left us alone and never sought us and still have been just as much God as He is today. He chose to communicate with us out of his own pleasure, but He was not obligated to do so.
Why did God allow mankind to “over ride His timeliness” by having only Greek and Latin versions for 1400-1500 years?
Why didn’t God “update” the Ten Commandments before Christ? That text was 1400 and some odd years old.
God has never been bound by our human standards. These text are spiritually discerned and still as sharp today as they were then.
[Daniel] But how is it a lie?What did I say is a lie?
It is a lie that today God would, and wants a church, to be so foolish.If you don’t see how God speaking 18 century English today is foolish, why aren’t the majority your telephone conversations with 18 century English? Why aren’t the majority of children raised today to prefer speak with 18 century English? Why don’t doctoral candidates hand in the majority of their papers to their professors with 18 century English? Why don’t the majority of salesmen promote their wares to their customers with 18 century English? …
[Brian Jo] Mark, I think I agree with your point, which is that we should use modern language and modern translations, but, I disagree that God is bound by His nature to do so.God is not obligated to love humanity, but is as much bound by His nature of love to love as God is by bound His nature of timeliness to always be timely.
After the fall of man, he was not required to communicate with man at all. He could have left us alone and never sought us and still have been just as much God as He is today. He chose to communicate with us out of his own pleasure, but He was not obligated to do so.
[Pastor Harold] How many times was the Hebrew Old Testament “revised” during the 400 years between Malachi and Christ? Why did God allow mankind to “over ride His timeliness” by having only Greek and Latin versions for 1400-1500 years?Why did a pastor from my church just dedicate a Bible just recently put into words for the area of New Guinea where he was once a missionary? Never bound by human standards, the timely good news formerly presented is presented timely by good stewards today.
Why didn’t God “update” the Ten Commandments before Christ? That text was 1400 and some odd years old.
God has never been bound by our human standards. These text are spiritually discerned and still as sharp today as they were then.
From death he did rise and will come again.Move on with him now to be ready for then.Markhttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=78598293746
[Brian Jo] Mark, it’s hard to know what to say. Rather than interact with us here, you seem to just be set on talking about timeliness (whatever that means). There are many people on here that use modern translations, and many who don’t use them are not opposed to others using them. What is your point in this thread?My point is for our iron to be sharp that we recognize that the Word of God is always timely (It is impossible to give an example of God being untimely.) Therefore, God’s Word today is (the tense of the verb is not was) never King James Only nor even King James Lukewarm, but always sharp with words of the living today.
If there were 50 neighborhoods today that spoke KJVese, this style might be sharp for those neighborhoods. Even if there were 5 less than 50. 5 less …
Many say that they grew up coming to know God (as untimely) with the KJV. If they lived in the 1600s, fine. Timely, God always lives today and has actions which never deny this attribute, but back it up.
From death he did rise and will come again.Move on with him now to be ready for then.Markhttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=78598293746
[Mark Henninger][Brian Jo] (It is impossible to give an example of God being untimely.)Old OP, but I came late…
Wouldn’t Jesus quoting OT scriptures be an example of untimely? He was quoting something that was written hundreds or even a thousand years prior.
In teaching teens, I stopped using the KJV because I spent far too much time trying to explain words that none of us was were familiar with. So I agree somewhat with your intent.
However, I’m not sure I would include “timeliness” to be on par with “love” as an attribute of God. Not sure where the Bible would back that up either…