Differences in Translations are OK before 1611, but they are not OK after 1611.

Until further notice, I am officially “NKJV-1982-only” ;)
1982 was a great year — both the Packers and the Brewers went to the playoffs, and I was in the 8th grade — top dog in my school :bigsmile:
Seriously, there is some good information here, but these folks really must have a lot of time on their hands to dissect all these views. I stopped getting emotional about this debate a good 20 years ago, enjoy a variety of translations and can work with reasonable folks from a variety of viewpoints. I was impressed by my theology professor, Dr. Myron Houghton, whose basic position is that the average PhD seminary professor does not really have enough information and skill on this issue to really get into the debate. Thus, “let the scholars fight it out.”

Church Ministries Representative, serving in the Midwest, for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry