Tributes to Rolland D. McCune
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I took Dispensationalism from Dr. McCune in the early 1990s. Will never forget that experience.
Love his systematic theology, and will always treasure when I read his vol. 2 on Christ and the Holy Spirit in the mornings sometime during the summer of 2014.
Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.
I took every class taught by Rolland McCune at DBTS on the M.Div. and Th.M. levels. He was one of the greatest professors under whom I have ever learned. In some respects he was the “Gamaliel” of our day in the best use of that name. He died as he lived with courage and dignity. Dr. McCune led our church on a 10 day trip to Israel and Jordan. He was a profound, clear, and thorough instructor. He has shaped systematic theology in the most comprehensive and understandable manner than any man I know. When I called a few weeks ago, he commented that soon he would “be gathered to his people”. Our prayers and love go out to Daisy, his wife, and their family.
Pastor Mike Harding
When I was a kid, my family went over to Bethany Baptist Church in Grand Blanc once (this was years before we became members there) because Bethany was having a Bible Conference featuring Dr. Roland McCune. I was too young to understand much of what he taught that morning, but two things got through: (1) that there was a form of Bible teaching that was more thorough, methodical, and reasoned than I had known existed (didn’t have the words for it at the time—it was just “this is really something else!”) and (2) that there was way, way, more to the Bible, Christian living, and theology than I had realized existed. It was instrumental in my life, no doubt about it. I’m thankful.
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.