Southern Baptist group clears 6 churches of violating sex abuse standards

“Just days after the president of the Southern Baptist Convention called for an evaluation of 10 churches that were highlighted in a recent investigation on sex abuse, six of those churches were cleared of acting indifferently toward abuse.” - Christian Post


I’m sure the committee obtained, reviewed, and evaluated the child protection policies, historical record, and so on to exonerate these churches in a couple of days. Not. Greear’s accusations may have been appropriate, or may not have, but if you do your “detailed evaluation” that quickly, everybody’s going to see it as a whitewash.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

It isn’t a whitewash because the cover isn’t white. It’s more like a “dirty gray wash” that simply makes everything worse.

"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells