Misusing the Bible – Where there is no vision…
This needs to be widely proclaimed.
G. N. Barkman
I took a look around because (sorry Tom!) I wasn’t ready to really believe that the justification for “vision casting” was as blatant as an out of context use of Proverbs 29:18—one that ignores a strong hint that the “vision” spoken of in that verse itself is the Law of Moses. OK, so it’s all that bad and generally worse. My apologies and blessings, Pastor Overmiller.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
Bro. Overmiller, you have some nerve, going and ruining an entire cottage industry with your fancy ex-e-jesus!!!
Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.
Add 2 Chronicles 7:14 used in context of America to this list of misused verses.
As you know, there are quite a few misused Bible verses out there. This was the first in a series I’m presenting in our Wednesday night prayer meetings. Tonight I focused on the misuse of Matt 18:19-20.
Preparing for a series like this is a personal challenge because doing so requires me to reconsider my own past thinking and assumptions.
Thomas Overmiller
Pastor | StudyGodsWord.com
Blog | ShepherdThoughts.com