John Piper: Is Grace Really Irresistible?

The soteriology debates begin again …

Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.

Well, no, I’m not going to stop talking about it because all it means is whenever God pleases, he overcomes your resistance. He can let you resist him as long as he wants, but when he decides, he triumphs. He did that for me. If you’re a Christian, he did it for you. He gets all the praise for overcoming our rebellion. We didn’t overcome our deadness, and our rebellion, and our blindness. He triumphed in our lives. We want him to get glory for this. We want to know how secure we are in him.

That’s kind of how I always viewed this subject… am I missing something?

"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells

A Robert Palmer song comes to mind…..though I hope Piper would not use the video to illustrate the point.

Seriously, nice illustration of the “straw man” that these debates often become by Piper.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.


Well, no, I’m not going to stop talking about it because all it means is whenever God pleases, he overcomes your resistance. He can let you resist him as long as he wants, but when he decides, he triumphs. He did that for me. If you’re a Christian, he did it for you. He gets all the praise for overcoming our rebellion. We didn’t overcome our deadness, and our rebellion, and our blindness. He triumphed in our lives. We want him to get glory for this. We want to know how secure we are in him.

That’s kind of how I always viewed this subject… am I missing something?

No, and the reverse is true. He can harden someone’s heart that prevents them from coming to Him. This is explicitly stated in many cases in Scripture. Two in which God explains himself is in the example of Pharoah and Judas.