Panel Discussion on Contemporary Evangelicalism | ACCC Convention 2005
NOTE: This article was orginally published on November 3, 2005. It was part of a liveblog of the 2005 Annual Convention of the American Council of Christian Churches
On Thursday afternoon, a panel discussion was held on the topic of “Contemporary Evangelicalism.” The featured panelists were Dr. Ralph Colas, Executive Secretary of the ACCC; Dr. Richard Harris of the Independent Baptist Fellowship of North America (IBFNA) and past president of the ACCC; and Dr. Rolland McCune of Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary.
You may listen to the audio file by using this link. The file (7.2 MB) lasts just over one hour.
The content should prove quite interesting to SI readers. Some of the issues discussed include the recent history of Fundamentalism and New Evangelicalism and the trend of graduates of Fundamentalist colleges and universities migrating to Evangelical seminaries for their entry-level seminary degrees.