One Preacher’s Perspective

1072078_rebirth_5.jpgYesterday, the American people elected Barak Obama to be the forty-fourth president of the United States of America. Because the Bible says that leaders are “ordained of God” (Rom. 13:1), I do not believe there was any emergency meeting in heaven due to this turn of events. So when I heard the news of Obama’s victory, I offered prayers for him in obedience to God’s command (1 Tim. 2:1-4). Just like I did with Bill Clinton and George Bush, I will send President Obama a letter to let him know that he will be in my prayers. I will also let him know that I am available for spiritual help and service for him, his family, and this country anytime. In addition to these acts, here are some other things I plan to do.

First, I plan by the grace of God to avoid unscriptural attitudes that breed unnecessary polarization and close doors to show Jesus in my life to others. Last night people in the minority in Chicago’s Grant Park and all over the country shed tears of joy because a person from a minority group had been elected to the highest office of the land. In recent years I have ministered to people who have faced repercussions from sexual and financial mistreatment based on their ethnicity. While I fear some minority leaders prostitute hard times to further their personal agendas, I will not ignore that there is a host of people out there who feel a sense of hopelessness but were greatly encouraged to see a person in the minority elected to be the next president in the United States. Other issues that are party issues, not biblical issues, I don’t need to be polarized over. Even when I have concerns about something the upcoming president might do, I don’t need to speak and act like a fool like many professing believers do and like I have done in my past. God’s purposes are never served by corrupt speech.

Second, I plan by the grace of God to be true to the Word of God. In obedience to God, I will gladly submit to the leadership of our next president (Rom. 13:1). As I said before, I will also pray for him. However, if the president asks me to accept a position that is in direct violation to the Word of God, I purpose to follow the Bible instead of Him. For example, I am not going to change my mind on the sanctity of human life. Abortion, except in the rare case of the decision to save the mother’s life (God help anyone who has to make that choice), is murder. The sad truth is that this supposedly “Christian” nation has sacrificed millions of babies on the altar of sexual idolatry. Just as God’s wrath was kindled against a nation who sacrificed their born babies in Tophet (Jer. 7:31-32), He will kindle it again against this nation for this dirty deed. I also will not change my mind on the sanctity of marriage. Marriage is one of the most sacred trusts God ever gave mankind. Same-sex marriage is an outright rejection of this sacred trust. Other issues will arise, and we must pick up our Bibles more than ever before and seek to understand what God has to say and be committed to God’s standard.

Third, I plan by the grace of God to continue to realize that our greatest need is for a spiritual Savior, not a political savior. I hope President Bush will do some great things for our country before he leaves office in a few weeks. I hope President Obama turns out to be the best president America has ever seen. Some of you say, “Impossible!” I respond by saying, “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord: as the rivers of water, he turns it wherever he will” (Prov. 21:1). But ultimately my hope is not in President Bush, in President Obama, or in any other world leader. My hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross, was buried, and rose from the dead so we might be saved.

Last, I plan by the grace of God to “preach the word; be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort with complete longsuffering and doctrine” (2 Tim. 4:2). These are tremendous days of unprecedented opportunity to speak the Word of the Lord. We need to do everything we can to tell all who come here amazing and powerful truths about the God of the Bible. There is none like Him (Ps. 86:8)!

roof_joe.jpg Pastor Joe Roof is senior pastor at Calvary Baptist Church (Albany, NY) and recently began serving as Moderator at SI. He graduated from Bob Jones University (Greenville, SC) with a B.A. in Bible in 1990 and an M.A. in Bible in 1991. He has been married to Kim for 15 years, and God has given them three children with one on the way.
