Mark Dever: The SharperIron Interview
Originally Published on October 24, 2005
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Listen to the interview (12.7 MB)Dr. Mark Dever serves as the senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC where he has served since 1994.
Dr. Dever received his Doctor of Philosophy in Ecclesiastical History from Cambridge University. He also has a Master of Theology from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, a Master of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude, from Duke University. His scholarly interests include Puritanism and ecclesiology.
Dr. Dever currently serves as a trustee of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; he also serves as a member of the board, vice-chairman, and chairman of the Forum for the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. From 1995 until 2001, he served on the steering committee for Founders Ministries, a pastoral movement for biblical teaching and healthy church life within the Southern Baptist Convention.
In an effort to build biblically faithful churches in America, Dr. Dever serves as the executive director for 9Marks Ministries, an organization that endeavors to encourage local churches to pursue biblical health. 9Marks encourages pastors of local churches to look to the Bible for instruction on how to organize and lead their churches.
Dr. Dever has authored several books and perhaps is best known for his book, The Nine Marks of a Healthy Church. He has also contributed to a number of works including The Compromised Church published by Crossway, Telling the Truth by D.A. Carson, and Why I Am a Baptist by Tom Nettles.
He and his wife Connie live and minister with their son, Nathan, on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
He was kind enough to meet with me and share his thoughts on a variety of issues the day after he had returned from summer vacation. It has been several months since I conducted this interview and I find myself still chewing over much of what he said. My desire is to help all of those who love the church to strive for biblical, God-honoring ministries and I trust this will be a blessing and an encouragement to you.
SharperIron is place to discuss news and ideas that would be of interest to fundamentalists. SI plans to conduct interviews with people from all walks of life. The commonality in all interviews is that questions will be asked that would be of interest to Christian fundamentalists. An interview with an individual or ministry does not necessarily imply agreement with the views expressed in the interview.