Concerning the Internet and Blogs: FBFI Resolution 06-01

FBFI 2006 Annual ConferenceNOTE: The following standing resolution was presented at the 86th Annual Fellowship of the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International on June 13, 2006, at Hamilton Square Baptist Church in San Francisco, California.

The FBFI realizes the great tool for ministry and discipleship the Internet can be, and we encourage those that do advance this tool to do so with New Testament principles in mind.

Use it wisely, considering the temptations and shipwreck that can be made through unfiltered and unaccountable Internet use.

Use it personally, avoiding the anonymity that often abandons the decorum that is Biblically appropriate between real people—such things as respect for age and elders, discretion with minors and children, consideration of position and wisdom.

Use it with restraint, avoiding the “knee-jerk” reactions and unbridled speech that commonly accompany private discussion. Remember that the whole world can see what is being written.

Use it with conviction, taking a stand for the things that are true and right and avoiding softness toward worldliness and compromise.

Many new technologies produce ethical challenges not envisioned by previous generations. We are confident that the ethical principles given us by the Word of God will guide us through this new ground. But we must be careful to apply those principles diligently. We encourage those who are involved in the use of the Internet for ministry to eagerly grapple with these issues from a Biblical perspective for the sake of the Kingdom and generations to come.
