Smashed to Pieces! The Vision in Daniel 2

By TylerR

Daniel’s visions are endlessly fascinating to Christians.1 So are those from Ezekiel, Zechariah, and Revelation. They stick in your mind so vividly because they’re exciting, dramatic, bizarre, otherworldly, almost fantasy-like. This is a very particular style of writing God uses to communicate hope to desperate people.

Daniel and many others are prisoners in Babylon. Their homes are destroyed, family members are dead, their nation is no more, and they’re far from home. They’re tired, lonely, anxious, scared, and perhaps doubting God’s…

Why They Hate Reagan—the Movie and the Man

By Paul J. Scharf

Ronald Reagan was elected president when I was in sixth grade, then reelected when I was a sophomore in high school—serving until my sophomore year in college.

In my naiveté, I guess I thought he’d be there forever—either him or, at least, someone much like him. How dreadfully wrong I was.

Reagan’s story has now come back to life on the big screen and reminded us once again of this larger-than-life portrait of Americana.

Now, Reagan is my favorite president, so I readily admit that I am biased, and I am certainly also no movie critic—although I know when a film leaves…

When You’re Tempted to Hate People, Part 1: Introduction

By DOlinger

We’re polarized.


And each side sees the other as the Ultimate Personification of Evil.

They’re bad people, you see. They want to destroy us and all that we hold dear.

No tactic is out of bounds in our desire to destroy them.

It’s war.

Bring it.

There were situations like this in biblical times: existential crises, where God’s people, and all they held dear—or should have held dear—was under assault by those who hated what they stood for, because they hated the God who had chosen them for himself.

The prophets called down God’s…