The 10 Funniest Stories From 2022
“Nothing could sum up this year quite like these unbelievable but totally real stories.” - Relevant
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“Nothing could sum up this year quite like these unbelievable but totally real stories.” - Relevant
“Innovation, evangelism, and other developments worth celebrating over the past year.” - CToday
If I had it to do over again….
How many times have we thought that way? If you’re like me, probably more than you would like to count.
If we had it to do over again—with an assurance that we’d do at least as well as we did—what efficient and artful users of time we could become!
Unfortunately, we all know it doesn’t work that way. We are forced to use time … in real time. Moses’ prayer, therefore, carries for us the utmost urgency:
“From papyrus in Montana to ivory in Jerusalem, these are the discoveries that made scholars of the biblical world say ‘wow’ this year.” - CToday
“Bart Barber provided his Twitter followers with some personal reflections on 2022 in the nation’s largest Protestant denomination.” - CLeaders
“Though we can only observe from our corner of the world, we see most clearly when we look for what God’s doing in the other corners.” - Collin Hansen
“The Dispatch Fact Check continued to work tirelessly on familiar forms of disinformation. Coronavirus and vaccine misinformation continued apace, and new conspiracies popped up in other areas like the events of January 6. We’ve assembled a list of some of the most significant (and strangest) pieces of disinformation of the year” - The Dispatch
“Many of our top CT Pastors articles were concerned with what it means for clergy to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, social justice issues, the deconstruction movement, and church abuse scandals.” - CToday