The Holocaust and the Reality of Evil
“What should be a source of shock for today is the increasing number of young Americans who doubt that the Holocaust, one of the most well-attested events in all history, even happened.” - Breakpoint
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“What should be a source of shock for today is the increasing number of young Americans who doubt that the Holocaust, one of the most well-attested events in all history, even happened.” - Breakpoint
“To call Churchill the ‘chief villain’ of World War II is morally obscene and historically wretched. It is a claim so far-fetched that it staggers the imagination.” - Al Mohler
“I personally believe that these ancient Chinese rituals foreshadow Christ in a common grace sense and that their presence serves as a reminder that he is the sacrificial Lamb of God offered on behalf of all.” - CToday
“Traditional narratives cast this period as a dark age of backwardness and barbarism, before the ‘rebirth’ of classical tradition during the European Renaissance. But the evidence suggests otherwise.” - Smithsonian
“Nazism is often depicted as some kind of extreme “conservatism” when, as history shows, it was essentially radical and destructive of traditional freedoms and faith.” - Acton
“Jan. 27 was set by the United Nations as International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust. It was on this date in 1945 that Allied troops liberated the infamous Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.” - World
“These members of the Church of the East, like their coreligionists all along the Silk Road, believed in the hope of the resurrection” - CToday
“Last week, the executive director of curriculum and instruction in the Carroll Independent School District in Southlake, Texas, told teachers that a new state law required them to present multiple perspectives about ‘widely debated and currently controversial’ issues. This means that they needed to make “opposing” views on the Holocaust available to students.” - RNS
“Read the article denying that the Aztecs committed human sacrifice, and then read the Wikipedia article that surveys the research. Then read the article about Tezcatlipoca. Doesn’t the denial article seem rather thin in its evidence (to put it kindly)?” - Veith