Book Review: The 7 Hardest Things God Asks a Woman to Do

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I am currently leading a group of ladies in a study on consecration, using Havergal’s Kept for the Master’s Use (a verse by verse discussion of her hymn, “Take My Life and Let It Be”). The chapter we are now perusing has to do with the line, “Take my will and make it thine—it shall be no longer mine.” That, in essence, is the theme of this book. Though the idea of self denial is not one that has women alone in the Scripture’s crosshairs, Kathie Reimer and her daughter, Lisa Whittle, discuss from a feminine viewpoint seven seeming paradoxes in the Word of God:

  • Have a single focus, yet multi-task
  • Be tolerant toward some things, yet intolerant toward others
  • Fail, and simultaneously succeed
  • Proceed, while also waiting
  • Hold on and, in turn, let go
  • Lead, and still follow
  • Die, and consequently, live more abundantly

An apt sub-title for this book would be, What It Looks Like for Christian Women to Deny Self.


God's Amazing Grace

One Woman’s Journey from the Bondage of Abortion to Freedom in Christ

by Colleen Tronson

Entering the abortion clinic’s waiting room for the first time, I found it filled with people sitting on colorful plastic chairs and filling out medical forms. As I crossed the room, not one person made eye contact with me.


Book Review—Shopping for Time

Reviewed by Barbara Harper

Mahaney, Carolyn, Nicole Whitacre, Kristin Chesemore, and Janelle Bradshaw. Shopping for Time: How to Do It All and NOT Be Overwhelmed. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2007. 96 pages, Paperback. $12.99.
