Help Those Moving to Your Community Find Your Church


“The majority of movers utilized in-person visits to churches (69%) and recommendations from family, friends, neighbors, and/or colleagues (54%) when looking for a new church….movers also use church websites (40%)” - Lifeway


Love & Discernment: Hospitality and the LGBTQ+ Person


LGBTQ+ people are people. They are made in the image of God and worthy of dignity and respect…. don’t overcomplicate things. What are ways, in general, we can grow in making people feel welcome?” - 9 Marks


The One Time You Shouldn’t Talk to Church Visitors


“…’Welcome times’ when members stand and guests remain seated. ‘Introduction times’ when guests stand and members remain seated. Ushers handing out name tags or info cards to seated guests as a part of the service (while all eyes are on them).” - Church Answers
