This War Shows the Weakness in Just War Theory


“With such a lineage and so many queries in pursuit of justice, it may be hard to see why I believe just war theory is deeply flawed. Because, in one sense, there’s much to appreciate in this theory.” - CToday


American Evangelicals Divide over Ukraine


“Western media try to judge and assess the religious situation in Ukraine from the normalities under your peaceful skies where …but living in the country during the war gives you [a] different reality.” - CToday


Wars and Rumors of Wars


The End is not here yet. But as every contraction—whether false or real—reminds the young couple that a baby is coming, so the events described by Jesus Christ remind us that He is returning, and maybe very soon.” - P&D


Perspectives on Israel vs. Hamas: A Roundup


  • Israel’s 9/11: The Need for Moral Clarity - TGC
  • ‘People of Israel need our prayerful support,’ say US faith leaders from coast to coast as war continues - Fox


Oppenheimer Reminds Us of Just War Theory


“…in what is known as jus in bello, just war doctrine says that for a war, or even part of a war, to be considered moral, it must only be done for the right reasons and in the right ways.” - Breakpoint


Russian Christians Make Theological Case for Peace


“Over the course of the yearlong conflict, only a tiny minority of Russian Christian leaders have voiced complaint publicly. The response from authorities has been uneven: Minor church figures have been fined or jailed, while others continue to use their names on social media.” - CToday


Law and Just War Tradition: Passing HR 1009


“McNerney describes HR 1009 as a modest resolution; a nonbinding suggestion that Just War tradition help structure future debates over U.S. military interventions by members of the House of Representatives.” - Providence
