BJU Today: Interview with Local Infection Control Specialist


“The following interview with Beth Smith (Class of ’88) was submitted by Melanie Schell, Class of ’84 and professor in BJU’s Division of Health Sciences….Smith works as an infection control specialist in Greenville, South Carolina.” - BJU Today


Young Americans, Entitlement, and the Christian Vision of Work


“Whether directly connected with our passions or not, God calls us first and foremost to do the next thing well, to his glory, with all of our might. Short of this awareness, we risk ‘Christianizing’ a sense of entitlement. Instead of asking, ‘What is God’s will for my life someday?’ we should be asking, ‘What does God want me to do next?’” - IFWE


Podcast: Help! I Hate My Job (James Hamilton)


“In this episode, Jim Hamilton, author of Work and Our Labor in the Lord, discusses what to do when you hate your job. He offers encouragement for those frustrated in their work, reflects on God’s original intention for work at creation, and explains the difference between a job and a vocation.” - Crossway


John Bunyan and Pastoral Calling


“The Puritan perspective on calling is not above critique but the following brief commendations highlight the wisdom their writings offer for pastors today. Each point provides a helpful contrast to the approach of many modern evangelicals.” - 9 Marks


Your work is more than your job


“Our work… ought to be seen as the service that we are called to do for others, whether we are paid for it or not. This view of work leads to a truer and healthier framework for approaching the various demands of jobs, spouses, children, parents, friends, and neighbors.” - Acton


Five Reasons to Preach a Series on Work

In my five decades of attending Bible-preaching churches I’ve heard precisely one sermon series on work. It was my own, and was pretty weak.

It’s possible that the topic has been receiving systematic attention all over the place all these years, and I’ve just managed to miss nearly all of it. But I think not.


You Can’t Be “Anything You Want to Be”


“The truth is that if your desire is to do your work with excellence for the glory of God and the good of others, you simply can’t be anything you want to be.” - IFWE


Study: How do millennial Christians approach faith, work, and calling?


“In Christians at Work, which is based on a new study from Barna … . Christian millennials emerge as distinctly optimistic and ambitious, whether in the ‘tangibles’ of their daily work and spiritual growth or in their general awareness of how or whether to apply their God-given gifts.” - Acton
