The Internet After Twitter


“It turns out that, contrary to what years upon years of social media conditions us to think, you actually don’t have to post things every time the thought occurs to you to post things. You can just… not.” - Mere Orthodoxy


Pew: Analysis of political tweets shared by U.S. adults


“62% of tweets that the Center’s analysis identified as political were retweets, with no additional text from the user who shared them….Political tweets from Republicans and Democrats alike are more likely to mention the opposite party than their own.” - Pew


Church Leaders Respond to Trump’s Baltimore Diatribe


“After President Donald Trump tweeted over the weekend that the Baltimore district of Rep. Elijah Cummings is a ‘disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess’ and ‘no human being would want to live there,’ the city’s religious and civic leaders have rallied to its defense.” - Church Leaders
