Do Educated People Believe in God More or Less?


“Even among people who have graduate degrees, they are still three times more likely to say that they have no doubt of God’s existence than to express an atheist or agnostic view of God. Certain religious belief is still incredibly robust in the United States, even if it has declined somewhat over the last 35 years.” - Ryan Burge


Should we mourn the decline of churches that preach a false gospel?


“His second argument is that these churches, while not necessarily preaching the gospel, do provide moral guidance for living, and money given to charities that helps the poor and needy. The most important loss is the loss of the social “gospel” endeavors of the mainline denominations.” - P&D


Do Christians, Jews, and Muslims Worship the Same God?


“Are they speaking about the same divine being? If so, does our sense of this being overlap enough to say we are worshiping the same God? Do we merely understand the one God differently, or are we speaking of an entirely different God?” - Lifeway


What God Do People Believe In?


Faith in America study: “13% of Americans are atheists, not believing in God, a higher power, or any spiritual force. Of the others, a bare majority, 54%, of Americans say they ‘believe in God as described by the Bible.’ Whereas 16% say they ‘believe in God but not as described in the Bible.’” - Veith
