What is AI, and how should Christians engage with it?


“the following discussion examines past, present, and prospective applications of AI, identifies theological principles for thinking about AI, and applies these principles to consider AI’s bioethical implications for human futures.” - AiG


Pastors, AI Is Here: 3 Questions You Should Be Asking


“This impact will be at least as great as the internet and email were. So as we consider AI in light of ministry, its present and future, I suggest three conversations pastors should have not only with stakeholders of your ministry team but also their congregations at large.” - Word by Word


How Much Human Oversight of Autonomous Weapons is Necessary?


“Long before James Cameron’s Terminator and Stanley Kubrick’s H.A.L. 9000, there was Prometheus…. The theme of playing God resulting in horrible unintended consequences runs through the Western canon, including the Golem of Jewish mythology…and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.” - Providence


American Council of Christian Churches: Resolution on Video Games


“The video game industry especially fosters this by creating addictive virtual worlds, oftentimes filled with occultism, profanity, sensuality, triviality, and lurid violence. Gamers are rewarded for their distractibility, recklessness, greediness, and perversity, and they are encouraged to think of themselves as heroes for conquering fake substitute realities in a short period of time.” - ACCC


Preserving Our Identity as Makers


“Welsh poet David Jones lamented decades ago the sacrifice of our divinely inspired vocation as artists and makers to machines. The advent of AI threatens to hasten this decline.” - Acton


Redeeming Technology: How Technology Fits into God’s Story


“The Bible provides no chapter-and-verse that directly tells us what to believe about technology. Nonetheless, as we’ll find, the theological concepts that undergird it are woven throughout the Bible’s overarching creation-to-new-creation storyline.” - Word by Word
