Unions, Strikes ... and a Resurgence of the Social Gospel?
“It might sound like hyperbole to say that this resurgent form of the Social Gospel is changing our politics. But its proponents have helped reshape many Americans’ perspectives.” - CNN
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“It might sound like hyperbole to say that this resurgent form of the Social Gospel is changing our politics. But its proponents have helped reshape many Americans’ perspectives.” - CNN
“Sider was known for his outspoken support of social justice and decades of activism.” - RNS
“Presuming to be God’s agent to achieve political righteousness through mass bloodshed is not a model for Christian public engagement….Fanaticism, certitude, sanctimony, self-righteousness and messianic impatience are never helpful companions to constructive politics or social reform, for Christians or anybody else.” - CPost
“1. The Imago Test: Are we treating opponents as image-bearers? …2. The Red/Blue Test: Are our minds hyper-politicized?… 3. The Justification Test: Are we seeking righteousness apart from Christ?… 4. The Fruit Test: Is the Spirit less evident in our lives?” - Desiring God
“Williams has probably written the best introductory primer that covers all the major justice issues of the day. With a biblical framework and careful use of logic, he demonstrates how to approach issues of justice with godly discernment.” - Eikon
“56% of Americans believe hell is a real place where certain people will be punished forever. Belief in the biblical place of judgment has been steady since 2014 in the biennial study.” - Lifeway
“Is responsibility for sin individual or is it corporate? It’s both, argues pastor and author Timothy Keller in his article, ‘Justice in the Bible.’ This means, therefore, that we must address racism as an individual and a systemic problem.” - C.Leaders
I spend at least 40 hours a week working for a non-profit devoted to improving policing—mostly in the U.S. I’m also a former pastor of 13 years and a seminary graduate. That mix shapes how I look at the recently re-ignited controversies surrounding U.S. policing and leads me to four observations.
The Christian worldview recognizes some realities of human nature and society.
“Adam Taylor has been named the new president of Sojourners, the national Christian social justice advocacy organization founded and led by the Rev. Jim Wallis since the 1970s. Wallis will continue working with Sojourners through July 2021” - RNS
Berkeley and Rexroth “draw on the work of Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay, Cynical Theories (paid link), who contrast ‘social justice,’ the concern for justice in society, with capital-letter ‘Social Justice,’ which is a particular ideological theory that they describe as ‘applied post-modernism.’” - Veith