Christianity and the School Choice Movement


“School Choice has opened Christian education (and private education of all kinds) to people who could not previously afford it….We need a new generation of teachers to rise to the challenge to do this very important work.” - Proclaim & Defend


Don't Ban Critical Race Theory. Legalize School Choice.


“Some conservatives want to ban the teaching of CRT. That’s not a good idea. Government shouldn’t be banning ideas ….A better solution is legalizing school choice. Let parents take our tax money to a school we choose.” - John Stossel


Justices skeptical of Maine exclusion of faith-based schools


“The high court heard oral arguments regarding the constitutionality of Maine’s school-choice program, and several of the justices appeared skeptical of the state’s defense of its refusal to include schools that teach their religious beliefs.” - BPNews


‘Education Reimagined’: West Virginia’s quest for school choice


“Through the decades-long work of Rev. Matthew J. Watts, a local minister in Charleston, we learn that the fight is about far more than simply boosting test scores or shuffling kids off to college. It’s about treating our children with dignity and allowing communities to freely respond to their needs.” - Acton


A Promising Day for Religious Liberty at the High Court


The state isn’t required to “fund private education at all, but if they choose to provide scholarships that are available to students who attend private schools, they can’t discriminate against parents who want to send their children to schools that are affiliated in some way with a church,” said Alito.
