Russell Moore: Why I’m a ‘Bible Thumping Fundamentalist’


“This context is one of the few in which I would use the word fundamentalist for myself. …someone who believes in the ‘fundamentals’ of the faith—the historicity of the biblical accounts, the Virgin Birth, the substitutionary atonement, the bodily resurrection, a visible and physical Second Coming” - CToday


Christianity Today Names Russell Moore Editor in Chief


“Moore has demonstrated, time and again, the courage to express his convictions and the integrity to live by them. Sometimes this has meant contending for essential biblical and theological truths in the public square. Sometimes it has meant declaring truths to the church that challenge and convict us.” - CToday


Mike Stone files lawsuit against SBC rival Russell Moore


“Lawyers for Georgia pastor Mike Stone filed a complaint Monday (Oct. 18) in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee accusing former Southern Baptist ethicist Russell Moore of defamation, false light invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress.” - RNS


Are vaccine and mask requirements religious liberty issues?


“If you are part of, say, an offshoot of Christian Science that thinks any medical treatment is a lack of faith in God, you may have a legitimate religious liberty claim, showing what your religion teaches and how you cannot carry out your faith in such circumstances.
