Derek Chauvin guilty, but riots will hurt Minneapolis for generations


“The pre-Chauvin trial/Daunte Wright riots threaten justice longer-term, as well: They discourage anyone from joining the police force. Some 200 officers have quit the Minneapolis Police Department or taken extended leave due to last year’s BLM riots.


The Fantasy Ideology of the American Insurrectionists


“For too long many Christian leaders have remained silent, fearing the repercussions of calling out those who are obsessed with political fantasies that are leading them away from Jesus.” - TGC


Luther on Political Riots


“Luther may have gone too far in urging the Princes to crush the Peasant Revolt by force, which they were sure to do anyway. But in doing so, he laid out some thoughtful principles about when legitimate protests go too far.” - Veith


What to Do in Dangerous Times


“In the words of Condoleezza Rice, how do we heal these wounds and move our country forward? Only by the grace of God, my friends, only by the grace of God. And by God’s grace, we can be wise men and wise women who ‘turn away wrath.’ How do we turn away wrath?” - P&D


6 ways looting hurts the poor


“Looting and riots are sometimes presented as “a lashing-out against capitalism,” or even a form of reparations. But here are 6 ways looting most harms the poorest people.” - Acton


What turns protests into riots?


“Riots, as Haddock and Polby argue, ‘are apt to be a more or less recurrent, if unpredictable, feature of social life,’ not because of persistent injustice but because of the perverse incentives of rioters and poor public policy” - Acton
