Trump and DeSantis go biblical


“There are moments when one might wonder if President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis are running for president or for messiah.” - Seattle Times


The religious right ousts Steve King


“Steve King calls his loss in Tuesday’s primary a victory in the ‘effort to push out the strongest voice for full-spectrum constitutional, Christian conservatism.’ But the election results tell a different story. It was, to use a slightly dated term, the religious right who threw King out in favor of state Sen. Randy Feenstra.” - WExaminer


Fact and Fiction About Racism and the Rise of the Religious Right


“According to this narrative, Evangelical leaders mainly supported abortion rights. They jumped into the culture war only when the IRS moved to strip the tax exemptions from racially discriminatory schools. Opposition to integration is the poisonous acorn that grew into the mighty political oak of conservative Christianity.” - David French


Religious Right Has Become the People They Warned Against


“Russell Moore gave a lecture addressing the question: ‘Can The Religious Right Be Saved?’ Moore’s answer was both yes and no. Some things are worth preserving, while other vestiges cannot die quickly enough.” CPost
