Christianity Is True, Not Just Helpful


“I’m glad so many people are rediscovering the benefits of having a transcendent anchor as individuals and a society…. But it matters deeply which faith we’re talking about, not only because happiness without truth is meaningless, but because this life isn’t all that matters.” - Breakpoint


What Is “Religion”?


“The word first appears in the first century BCE in Roman culture, with the Latin word religio. At the time, it meant ‘scruples,’ the concern that some activity is important enough to be performed carefully.” - Psychology Today


Model the Faith for Gen Z or Lose Them Forever


“For too many Zoomers, religion has come to mean any spiritual movement that seeks to oppress. Not only are kids taught in schools that religion was a tool of white colonizers to subdue and enslave indigenous populations, but their popular media are saturated with this narrative.” - Acton


Christianity: It’s a Religion (Not Just a Relationship)

You’ve heard the mantra a dozen times: “Christianity is not a religion; it’s a relationship.” This statement is quite wrong. Firstly, because it’s a false dichotomy (can’t it be both?), but secondly because if we have to choose, Christianity is more fundamentally a religion than it is a relationship.


Two Cheers for Religion


“Obviously, if the choice is between the gospel and religion, I’ll take the gospel. But what if by relentlessly denigrating ‘religion,’ we are creating as many problems as we are trying to solve?” - Kevin DeYoung


Why are people calling Bitcoin a religion? (and more importantly, what's “a religion”?)


“…a long series of wars began between Catholics and Protestants. These became known as ‘wars of religion,’ and religion became a way of talking about differences between Christians. At the same time, Europeans were encountering other cultures…. Some of the traditions they encountered shared certain similarities to Christianity and were also deemed religions.” - The Conversation
