The Regulative Principle Among Baptists


“Baptists historically approved this theological judgment of Calvin and followed the principle even more closely than Calvin himself. Calvin wanted to lay aside all human inventions in the practice of baptism” - Tom Nettles


Let God Teach You How to Worship Him


“the regulative principle of worship states that God alone determines the content, motivation, and aim of worship. …The further we get away from his directions, then, the less we actually worship.” - Ligon Duncan


The Regulative Principle Isn't Worth It

How should we worship on Sundays? The Church has often framed this as an argument between the “regulative” and “normative” principles. This is a simplistic grid―these approaches are more complementary than we realize. This article discusses the regulative principle.


Preaching to the Straw Man Choir?

Jonathan Cruse’s book What Happens When We Worship has a simple point. Something important happens between us and God when we worship (p. 1). He presents a theology of worship (ch. 2-7), the pieces of a proper worship service (ch. 8-13), and some brief remarks about how to prepare for worship (ch. 14-15).

This is a book written with more zeal than tact.


The Rule and Songs of Puritan Worship


“In its simplest terms the regulative principle holds that the Word of God alone regulates, directs, and warrants all elements of worship… . We may worship God only as he has commanded us to do in the Bible.” - Church Leaders


Worship for Dummies

God created man for worship. Jesus declared that the Father is seeking worshippers who will worship Him “in spirit and truth” (John 4:23-24). Not surprisingly, the Shorter Catechism begins by affirming, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.” But this raises the question, “How should God be worshiped?” To be more precise, “What kind of worship pleases God?” The answer is vital. Thankfully, it’s not that complicated. Even a child may understand.
