The Gospel Coalition 2023 Book Awards


“A big team of book lovers puts in a lot of work behind the scenes. We receive nominations from publishers in 12 categories.” - TGC


A Few Thoughts on Reading

In his classic work, How to Read a Book, Mortimer Adler writes, “In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but how many can get through to you.” In order for good books “to get through to you,” consider some of the following…


On Reading Widely: Are You Stuck on One Shelf?


“Root your thinking in the Word of God first, but be informed about the world around you. Resist being spoon fed by others. Do your own reading and research to form your own opinions. Read from original sources.” - P&D


Thoughts on Books I Read in 2022

These are a few thoughts on the books I read last year. I may have missed one or two but this list is pretty complete. Many of the works were read as I researched Volume Two of The Words of the Covenant. Not to knock them but rarely now am I helped by books that I already agree with. I did not include two books that I am more than halfway through: Paul: A New Covenant Jew by Pitre, Barber & Kincaid, and Peter Stuhlmacher’s Biblical Theology of the New Testament.


December 2022 issue of Themelios released


“The new December 2022 issue of Themelios has 211 pages of editorials, articles, and book reviews. It is freely available in three formats: (1) PDF, (2) web version, and (3) Logos Bible Software.” - TGC


A review of Jeffrey Bilbro's Reading the Times


“Bilbro suggests that we release ourselves from the junk-food news diet by attending to resources that are deep and rich. This is essential because “so much of what people do under the rubric of unwinding or self-care doesn’t actually recreate or restore; It scratches the itch of our restless souls’ ” - Tim Miller
