Racism, Progress, and Original Sin


“We can do away with slavery, segregation, and red-lining, but prejudice (not just based on skin color but because of class, wealth, religion, how tall or short people are, or how obese or skinny–all kinds of things) is going to be with us until the Lord returns.” - Juicy Ecumenism


Darwin’s Dirty Secret Lives On


“In 1904, thousands of indigenous people were brought to the St. Louis World’s Fair to be put on public display. Scientists offered them as examples of lower stages of human evolution.” - CToday


Identity politics on the right


“The views Achord and his Twitter cronies expressed were vile; their impotent online posturing unintentionally comedic. And then there was the personal abuse to which Alastair Roberts, the man who exposed the situation, was subjected by professing Christians” - Carl Trueman


We Need a Better Approach to Race Conversations


“As a black pastor trained in a conservative evangelical school, I have been grieved to watch my white fellow pastors debate each other and divide over racial issues….Into this fray enters George Yancey with his new book, Beyond Racial Division: A Unifying Alternative to Colorblindness and Antiracism.” - TGC


Peter and the Echo Chamber

Acts 10 is a bit of a puzzle, because God gives us a beautiful missionary story … and a missionary who isn’t very enthusiastic! Peter does not want to be at Cornelius’ home―he makes that clear in the rudest way possible. What’s the deal? We can begin to understand if we begin a little closer to home, in a galaxy not so far away, where we have a similar problem but a different date.
