The God gap: How church attendance by race splits voters
“Weekly church attendees who are white largely favor Donald Trump, while Black churchgoers tend to back Vice President Kamala Harris, according to a new survey.” - Axios
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“Weekly church attendees who are white largely favor Donald Trump, while Black churchgoers tend to back Vice President Kamala Harris, according to a new survey.” - Axios
“for example, 82% of Black adults say they have heard the following racial conspiracy theory…Black people are more likely than White people to be incarcerated because prisons want to make money on the backs of Black people. Many Black adults (74%) say this racial conspiracy theory is true and happening in the U.S.
“In Pew’s study… 47 percent of said King left a ‘very positive’ impact on the nation, but only 38 percent said their own views on racial equality were influenced by King’s legacy a ‘great deal or a fair amount.’” - BPNews
“the numbers still tell an overwhelmingly one-sided story: white Protestants consistently dwarf every other racial and religious demographic in the GOP electorate…. conservatives and racial issues are oil and water—unmixable and with a highly flammable element.” - Acton
“…we’re not called to repay evil for evil, racism for racism, Kinism for critical race theory. ” - CPost
“Our attempts to resolve these tensions will be and have been halting, difficult, and suffer many setbacks. But in solidarity with our neighbors, with whom we share God’s image, we can imperfectly work toward just resolutions” - Acton
“Palm Beach Atlantic’s provost contends that the situation is a dustup over pedagogy, not censorship of racial justice education, according to an internal email.” - RNS
“…American churchgoers, 49% say their church needs to become more ethnically diverse, including 18% who strongly agree…. nearly 7 in 10 say their church is doing enough to be ethnically diverse (69%).” - Lifeway
The project is “a Gospel-centered, ethnically diverse racial reconciliation ministry designed to mobilize Southern Baptist pastors and leaders in unifying their communities” expected to launch today. - BPNews