The Puritan as Killjoy: Truth Is Stranger than Fiction


“Cotton acknowledges that rest was for the good of the body and spirit. What was to be avoided was ‘love of Sleep and Ease’ to the neglect of godly service. Likewise, recreation and play glorify God when they are properly enjoyed.” - Acton


The Proposed Puritan English Bible Revision of 1653

I recently posted to an internet discussion group the claim that none of the KJV’s contemporaries or those for many generations afterward had the temerity to affirm that the KJV was a perfect, flawless, unimprovable English Bible version as is claimed by some today. To the contrary, from the beginning, it was recognized as being flawed in numerous details, and certainly was susceptible to correction and improvement to bring it into closer conformity to the Bible text in the original Hebrew and Greek.


The Biblical Basis for Family Worship (Part 1)

In the previous essay, we defined family worship as “the occasion in which the members of a given family gather together in order to participate in special acts of worship, such as the singing of praise, the reading and hearing of Scripture, and the offering of prayer to God.” In this segment of our study, we’ll attempt to provide some biblical support for the practice of family worship.


Whatever Became of Family Worship?

I attended a Christian university along with approximately five-thousand other students, most of whom came from Christian homes. Although I never conducted an official survey, my general impression was that very few of my fellow Christian students had grown up in homes where family worship had been regularly practiced. It seemed to be a foreign concept to most of them. I believe the general ignorance concerning family worship demonstrates just how far Christian families have departed from their Christian heritage.


What Ever Happened to Repentance?


“As I’ve walked through the meaning of repentance in my own spiritual walk, the Puritans have been helpful in clarifying the meaning of the word repentance. In particular, Thomas Watson’s work entitled The Doctrine of Repentance” - Tim McKnight


Protestants & Pot


“Right now America is in a permissive mood that is legalizing controlled substances, legitimizing prostitution as ‘sex work,’ embracing gambling as economic stimulant, and accepting pornography as harmless pastime. This permissiveness will run its course, until its excesses will provoke a new more restrictive era. Social Puritanism may recede for a season but it never disappears.


Holiness Does Not Mean a Drab Life


Jonathan Edward: “Holiness is a most beautiful and lovely thing. We drink in strange notions of holiness from our childhood, as if it were a melancholy, morose, sour and unpleasant thing; but there is nothing in it but what is sweet and ravishingly lovely.” - TGC
