How to Win Theological Controversy: Lessons from the Pharisees

Tired of losing debates? Would you like a sure-fire way to win arguments? Consider learning from one of the best. The Pharisees had plenty of experience in theological controversy. Most notable was their interaction with the theological heresy of Christianity. Through the employment of several forms of fallacious arguments they managed to discredit Jesus and his follows and effectively “win” the debate. One prime example of their methodology is found in chapter seven of John’s Gospel.


America’s Problem Is With Civility, Not Free Speech


“The erosion of civility not only undermines the fabric of society but also weakens the nation’s ability to stand united in the face of external threats. It is a wake-up call to recognize that a house divided against itself cannot withstand threats from without.” - Providence


Take a Position, Not a Side: Towards a Healthier Civic Discourse


“Sides are intellectually easy and emotionally satisfying. Positions are intellectually challenging and emotionally complex. Once you know which side you’re on—in the culture war, or the political war—you can let your friends, or your podcasts, do your thinking for you.” - Persuasion


Ten Diagnostic Questions for the Potential Ideologue


“1. Do you present opposing viewpoints in ways that your opponent would agree with?… 2. Do you resort to personal attacks…3. Are you able to assume the best about someone else’s approach even if you disagree with their conclusions?” - 9 Marks


True Liberty Demands Respectful Disagreement


“Persons who believe that the truth is so easily discovered often react with moral revulsion against conservatives and reactionaries who disagree with them. Since truth is so intellectually clear, [they reason,] those who do not see it must be persons of bad will. Daily experience teaches that this is not so.” - Acton
