Federal Judge Strikes Down National Day of Prayer Law


”’[I ]ts sole purpose is to encourage all citizens to engage in prayer, an inherently religious exercise that serves no secular function,’ a Wisconsin judge wrote in the ruling, referring to the 1952 law that created the National Day of Prayer” -CNN


Trust Amid Life's Travels

janz_walk_in_woods.jpgAuthor’s Note: For the past nine months, I have been consumed with the vision of planting a church in downtown Denver. This vision has called me and my family to a life of travel, a part-time job, and constant change. As the owner of SI, I have felt detached from the site I started almost three years ago. I appreciate the crew that has pinch-hit for me.


Are We Known for Calling Upon Yahweh?

By Todd Wood.

A while ago, a 70-year-old single man took me out to lunch at a fast-food joint. Innocent enough. Yet while I was hungrily munching on my thick Arb’y roast beef sandwich, loaded with special sauce, my friend point-blank asked me how much time I spend in prayer.


Book Review—When You Pray

Reviewed by Frank Sansone.

Ryken, Philip Graham. When You Pray. Phillipsburg, PA: P & R Publishing, 2006 (originally published by Crossway Books, 2000). Paperback, 206 pages. $13.99.

(Review copy courtesy of P & R Publishing)
