Five Ways the Bible and Economic Principles Are Connected


“Whether we acknowledge it or not, as implied above, economic laws, such as the law of comparative advantage and the law of supply and demand, are consequences of our being made in God’s image.” - IFWE


On #GivingTuesday, avoid benevolent harm


“In addition to concerns about the organization’s financial integrity, donors must gauge whether their charity of choice is unintentionally harming their intended beneficiaries.” - Acton


From the Archives – Materialism: It's Probably Not What You Think

Ask most people to describe materialism and you’ll hear references to big-screen TVs, computers, SUVs, spacious houses, and overpaid CEOs. A few might mention “consumerism” and “greed.” Most would agree with the idea that materialism has been a major obstacle to relieving world poverty. Some would say it’s the cause of that poverty.


Welfare states cultivate the sin of sloth


“[A] a job provides, not just an income, but also a sense of purpose. It is not government handouts or parental support that make young people happy, but personal responsibility and a deep-seated conviction that the fruits of one’s labor make the world a better place.” - Acton Institute
