Who’s Afraid of Integralists?


“for a small but growing cadre of intellectual Roman Catholics the political philosophy of ‘integralism,’ with church and state integrated, not separate, is increasingly common. There’s disagreement over practical specifics, but what unites integralists is their conviction that the liberal democratic order is now, and perhaps always was, morally bankrupt.” - James Diddams


Integralism and the Trickster


“…ruling the ‘spirit of the trickster’ out of hand runs the theological risk of mistaking longstanding human conventions for points of natural law—just as, in a slightly different context, the priests of Jesus’s day confused whether the Sabbath was made for man or vice versa” - John Ehret


American Culture Is Broken. Is Theonomy the Answer?


“Have you noticed this vision of Christianity in the public square that seems muscular, confident,… tired of Christianity’s never-ending losses in the culture war. It rightly criticizes the decadence, perversion, and irrational norms of secularism and understands that under the guise of ‘neutrality,’ secularism has become the functional god of this age.” - TGC


Secularism vs. Protestant Integralism


“Mohler wrote an answer to Forster entitled ‘s answer entitled Secularism Cannot Sustain Liberty, a Response to Greg Forster. Here he denies that he is an Integralist because he is a Baptist….His point, though, is that the very tenets of liberalism–such as freedom–cannot be sustained by secularism.” - Veith


“Mohler argues that the civil law, which has been dechristianized by secularization, needs to be rechristianized”


“He ought to know that he is playing with fire. When he demands we rechristianize the civil laws, he owes us an account of why our Christian ancestors were wrong for almost a thousand years as they built Western civilization on a natural law tradition that culminated, and logically must culminate, in political liberalism.” - Law & Liberty
