Balance in Ministry: Learning from Mary and Martha


“It’s easy to get lost in the busyness of ministry—planning services, running programs, and meeting needs. Yet, without regularly anchoring ourselves in the presence of Jesus, our actions can become hollow, more about doing for God than being with Him.” - Brian Cederquist


7 Ministry Tensions: A Conversation About Pastoral Leadership


“Ministry success [is]… about the tension between competing goods. Each good is vital. Each demands attention. And each represents a genuine biblical mandate. These aren’t problems to be solved but tensions to be managed in ministry.” - Lifeway


No Lone Ranger Christians


“Paul actually turned his back on a God-given opportunity to minister. Why? Because, he says, ‘I did not find my brother Titus there.’” - Randy Alcorn


Church Strategy Is Critical—But You Already Have One!


“None of this means that church strategy or mission statements are necessarily wrong-headed. But it does mean that if yours is to be faithful to Scripture, it will look pretty much the same as the strategy that every other gospel-preaching church in your city also has.” - 9 Marks


Spurgeon’s Five Marks of a Healthy Church


“It shall be left to each individual heart, and each member of the church, to answer for himself the question, whether his own church is in a state of spiritual health, taking these things as a test; namely, purity, soundness, unity, and prayerfulness.” - 9 Marks


What Is Ministry Success?

For some unidentifiable reason I enjoy tormenting students with an important albeit slippery theological and philosophical question. What is good? As you might imagine, the answers I get are quite diverse. One student recently responded by citing an online dictionary that offers forty-seven definitions of the word. Forty-seven! Most, if not all, of the forty-seven were not legitimate, as they typically erred by defining the word by the word itself.


On Ambition in Ministry

Ambition in life is generally a good thing. Ambition in ministry is indispensable.

We have all heard the tired trope about pastors working only one day a week. It is sad when people repeat such drivel. It is tragic that some ministers have actually provided fodder for this criticism.

Yes, the ministry can, sadly, become a place for the indolent to hide. I’ve never understood why anyone with this mentality would seek the ministry to begin with, but some undoubtedly have.


What Is the Secret to Reaching the Next Generation?


“for the most part, what we really need to do is keep doing the same things that Christians in every age have been called to do: to make disciples and to love one another and to speak the truth and to be kind and ask good questions…. there really is no secret. It’s what it’s always been.” - Kevin DeYoung


Top Down Worship: Why We Do What We Do in Worship


“A ‘top-down approach’ essentially means that theologically speaking, God has the right to inform and reform how I — or anyone — should approach him in worship.” - P&D
