What Is the Secret to Reaching the Next Generation?


“for the most part, what we really need to do is keep doing the same things that Christians in every age have been called to do: to make disciples and to love one another and to speak the truth and to be kind and ask good questions…. there really is no secret. It’s what it’s always been.” - Kevin DeYoung


Top Down Worship: Why We Do What We Do in Worship


“A ‘top-down approach’ essentially means that theologically speaking, God has the right to inform and reform how I — or anyone — should approach him in worship.” - P&D


The Beauty and Danger of Normalcy


“…the history of evangelical ministry is filled with examples of spectacular, theatric, and entertaining methodology. Since so few Christians have a working knowledge of our history, we continue to fall prey to the next big thing.” - Ken Brown


Faith-Filled Expectancy in Ministry

What am I doing here? Who am I to be giving the Gospel to others? Why would God use me? Why should people listen to me?

I imagine that most Christians have asked questions like these when seeking to obey Christ and witness. When these thoughts come, what we do with them becomes extremely important. If we allow ourselves to dwell on our weakness, we will witness less and ineffectively, if we witness much at all.


The Church’s Task in the Mission of God

What is the church’s mission? How does the mission of the church relate to the mission of God? Are they the same, or different?
