Matching Your Leadership Approach to the Organization’s Needs
“Bottomline for Christ-centered leaders: use the framework to help you wisely evaluate your context and remind you of your identity as a servant.” - Eric Geiger
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“Bottomline for Christ-centered leaders: use the framework to help you wisely evaluate your context and remind you of your identity as a servant.” - Eric Geiger
“Every so often, a friend and I indulge a favorite argument. The debate is over what matters more when it comes to leadership: Character, or competence? While we both have similar worldviews, I have contended that character matters more, while my friend argues for the greater worth of competence.” - Ref21
“When trust fails, the virtuous circle turns vicious, and then the state has to find other ways to encourage or compel cooperation in order to function….
An organizational leadership researcher asked me these six questions. These brief answers are from a biblical worldview, and are broadly applicable in any organizational leadership setting. I think they illustrate how helpful the Bible is for (among other reasons) providing reliable and inspirational leadership principles:
One question I often challenge individuals and organizations with is this: If in five years, your enterprise or initiative fails, what went wrong? What I am challenging them to think about is what are the intermediate and short term potential failures that might lead to an overall failure. From the perspective of looking back from a not-yet-realized outcome, what were the factors that contributed to failure? It is helpful to look forward, look backward, and then reassess what needs to be done now.