A Quick Character Test for Christian Leaders


“Do I think of myself as a leader before I seriously think about my sinfulness? …Do I so see myself in charge that I consider too little the truth that the church belongs to Christ?…Am I living for my recognition or Jesus’ recognition?” - Chuck Lawless


What Does Untainted Leadership Look Like?


“Adam became a leader, or a steward, because God made him one. God is still the One who gives leadership to people ‘since there is no authority except from God’ (Romans 13:1). Leadership before it was tainted consisted of watching over and working.” - Eric Geiger


Character, or Competence?


“Every so often, a friend and I indulge a favorite argument. The debate is over what matters more when it comes to leadership: Character, or competence? While we both have similar worldviews, I have contended that character matters more, while my friend argues for the greater worth of competence.” - Ref21


Six Principles for Organizational Leadership

An organizational leadership researcher asked me these six questions. These brief answers are from a biblical worldview, and are broadly applicable in any organizational leadership setting. I think they illustrate how helpful the Bible is for (among other reasons) providing reliable and inspirational leadership principles:

(1) When you think about a positive future for your organization, describe what you see in the days and months ahead.

One question I often challenge individuals and organizations with is this: If in five years, your enterprise or initiative fails, what went wrong? What I am challenging them to think about is what are the intermediate and short term potential failures that might lead to an overall failure. From the perspective of looking back from a not-yet-realized outcome, what were the factors that contributed to failure? It is helpful to look forward, look backward, and then reassess what needs to be done now.
